Role playing games are played out. Nobody Saves the World, on the other hand, plays within and without the rules — talent points, unlockable characters with specific traits, guilds with grindy side quests that fill the gaps in the core storyline... the usual affairs, it's all here, but made for the gamer who has seen it all before.
I am hesitant to call Nobody Saves the World a satire, as that would lighten its reputation as a tour de force of unlockables with a genuinely heartbreaking thematic climax. Even its music reminds me of the best kinds of moments in my recent video gaming past (think: Undertale, Celeste), and sometimes of my own game's soundtrack.
From start to finish, I enjoyed the hell out of this co-op cartoony joyride. Yes, it has filler. But, the self awareness, and the super extended gameplay time, does make for a refreshing and cathartic break from triple-As and one-sitting indies. Difficulty makes it almost relaxing to keep playing, too, unlike the Elden Rings and Spelunky IIs that keep stealing the spotlight. Well, except for some of those sneaky guild challenges.
My enjoyment factor with Nobody is very high, even if the "best game of all time" factor is low. This is a delicious cold beer — not the priciest champagne.